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By the initiative of some young people, interpreting the feeling of many others, and following some conversations had here and there, the Youth Association of Deão - AJD was born.

In an informal way and living up to the irreverence so proper and natural of youth, a meeting was held in a kitchen, attended by several young people of the parish of Deão, with the purpose of presenting and discussing the creation of an association for the promotion, development and support of cultural, sports, recreational and social activities to be held in the parish, with special focus on the younger generation, without neglecting the support to the rest of the community.

Following this embryonic meeting, the youth, in a coalition of wills and efforts, imbued with a strong associative spirit, began a project for the constitution of the association which, in a meeting on December 1, 1996, they called Associação Juvenil de Deão - AJD. In turn, AJD was formally founded on April 19, 1997 and its purpose is to create and develop social, cultural, sporting and artistic activities for youth, particularly in the area of occupation of free time, volunteering, cooperation and training, promoting and boosting their access to information, their social integration, civic participation and equality between men and women.

AJD, a non-profit association, is also an RNAJ association and benefits from the Youth Support Program - PAJ. Its youthful characteristic is evident in the fact that 75% of its members, as well as 75% of the board members, are aged 30 or under. It is part of the governing bodies of ANIMAR (Portuguese Association for Local Development) and the Federation of Youth Associations of the District of Viana do Castelo, and is also a member of the National Federation of Youth Associations - FNAJ. It is also a culture and sports center affiliated with INATEL. This association is a member of the General Council of the Arga e Lima School Grouping and of the Inter-freguesias Social Commission of the South Lima Valley. 


It was on April 19th, 1997, that the Deão Juvenile Association - AJD, was officially founded. It is registered in the National Register of Juvenile Associations since October 31st 1997.

About us

In what concerns its scope of intervention, the association has been working essentially with young people and children coming from rural areas of Viana do Castelo, with indexes of social exclusion and with few institutional answers. For this purpose, AJD is organized in three departments:


Social Intervention Projects Department

The association has been promoting a set of projects in various fields of intervention (Equal, Youth in Action/Erasmus+, POPH/CIG), which help to operationalize the association's goals, combating the problems that are felt locally.

Community School

The Community School is a privileged place of contact between the association and the community, where we listen to the feelings and wishes of our members, in particular, and of the community where we are inserted, in general. 

Department of Communication and Image

The Department of Communication and Image has as its main objective the effective and attractive promotion and dissemination of all the activities of the Associação Juvenil de Deão. 


The mission of Associação Juvenil de Deão - AJD is to create and develop social, cultural, sporting and artistic activities for young people in the parish of Deão, particularly in the areas of Leisure Time, Volunteering, Cooperation and Training, promoting and boosting their access to information, their social integrity, civic participation and equality between men and women.

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  •  no valor da educação não formal como ferramenta para adquirir novas competências e saberes tanto a nível pessoal como profissional;

  • que cada um/a pode e deve contribuir para um mundo melhor, uma sociedade mais participativa, solidária, inclusiva, democrática e humana.

Cooperação/ tolerância/ solidariedade/ amizade/ democracia/ sinceridade/ responsabilidade/ união/ respeito/ paz/ diálogo/ voluntariado/ igualdade


"Faz-se caminho ao andar"

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