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General Internal Regulation of the Juvenile Association of Deão - A.J.D.


General dispositions

Article 1

(Legal Nature)

1- The Deão Youth Association - A.J.D. - hereinafter called the Association - is a collective person under private law, non-profit, autonomous, and was established by Public Deed signed on the nineteenth of April of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven, recorded on pages 29v.º to 31, of book n. º 212 - C, of the Second Notary's Office of Viana Castelo and is governed by the Statutes published in the Diário da República number one hundred and forty-five, 3rd series, twenty-sixth series, of the Second Notary's Office of Viana Castelo. 212 - C, of the Second Notary's Office of Viana do Castelo and is ruled by the Statutes published in the "Diário da República" number one hundred and forty five, 3rd series, of twenty six June, one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven, being registered in the "Registo Nacional de Associações Juvenis - RNAJ" since thirty one October, one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven.

2- This General Internal Regulation, approved by the General Assembly, develops the general principles of the Statutes and aims to regulate associative life.


Article 2


The aim of the Juvenile Association of Deão is to create and develop social, cultural, sporting and artistic activities for the youth in the parish of Deão, particularly in the area of occupation of free time, voluntary work, cooperation and training, promoting and encouraging access to information, social integration, civic participation and equality between men and women.


Article 3

(Activities and cooperation with other institutions)

The Association shall promote cultural, social, sporting and artistic events among its members and exchanges with other organisations.


Article 4


The Association has its headquarters, necessarily, in the parish of Deão, in the municipality of Viana do Castelo.


Article 5


The logo represents a "Being" called "youth", that is, a stylised human figure in movement. Its shape intends to show attitude, action, movement, dynamism, joy, all of this combined with colour. The colour of the logo is distributed between blue, white, green, red, lilac and pink. Blue suggests the idea of responsibility. Despite the blue being on white - the background colour of the "Being" and the line that defines the "Being" - the blue does not cover the whole form. Thus, the blue conjugated with the line and the white signifies the "Other". The "Being" is thus defined. The other colours, bright colours - green, red, lilac and pink - mean values like hope, love and friendship. This logo represents a set of ideas, attitudes and values that guide the Deão Youth Association.



Of the partners

Article 6


The Association admits as associates all natural or legal persons who manifest their intention to join the Association and submit themselves to complying with the Statutes and the present Regulations, through an admission request to the Board and approved by it in a meeting.


§ Only associates who have the conditions to enrol in INATEL and who live in the municipality of Viana do Castelo can enjoy the rights and benefits of the CCDs, under the terms of article 5 of the Regulation of the Sports and Cultural Centres.


§§ Honorary members of the Association are those who the Board of Directors so deliberate, as a form of praise for their work, support and collaboration, which have contributed or contribute towards the prestige of the Association. The honorary title must be expressly accepted by the respective member. Honorary members are exempt from paying membership fees and annual dues, and may attend meetings of the governing bodies without the right to vote.


§§§ Special members of the Association are those who have completed thirty years of age and ten years of membership, or those who have completed forty years of age. Honorary members enjoy the same rights and duties as full members, except for the right to propose and be proposed as members of the social bodies, and the right to vote in the meetings of the social bodies, although they may attend them. The member who does not wish to benefit from the honorary title must expressly declare this in writing to the Board.  


Article 7

(Rights of Members)

  • The rights of the members are

  • The rights of the members are

  • to receive a membership card and a copy of the General Regulations

  • to participate in all General Meetings and vote, in accordance with the Regulations

  • propose and be proposed as members of the social organs, and in this case, provided they are equal or older than fourteen years;

  • request the convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting, under the terms of the Regulations;

  • to examine, at the headquarters of the Association, during office hours or as established, the account books, reports and other documents referring to previous financial years, within the eight days preceding the respective General Assembly

  • to frequent the place indicated as the headquarters and other facilities of the Association in accordance with the regulations; and

  • request an appeal, under the terms of the regulations, against any sanction applied by the Board.


Article 8

(Duties of the Members)

  • The duties of the members are

  • To honour and give prestige to the Association, contributing in all circumstances to its enhancement;

  • to comply with the provisions of the statutes and regulations;

  • punctually pay their dues;

  • to perform with assiduity, zeal and dedication the duties to which they are elected or nominated

  • take part in the General Meetings or any meetings to which they are summoned;

  • display, whenever required by the competent person, the member card when they wish to enjoy their statutory and regulatory rights;

  • defend and look after the Association's assets;

  • not refuse to collaborate when requested to do so, by testifying or making statements with respect for the truth, in matters of syndicates, enquiries or disciplinary processes promoted by the Association, for the prestige and safeguarding of its actions; and

  • return the member card when resigning.


Governing Bodies

Article 9


The Association carries out its purposes through the following bodies General Assembly, Board of Directors and Supervisory Board.

Article 10

(Deadline for election and duration of the mandate)

The members of the social bodies are elected between the months of October and November and the duration of the mandate is two years.


Article 11

(Requirements for eligibility of members)

Only full members meeting the following requirements may be elected to the governing bodies:

  • to be fourteen years of age or older

  • to have been registered as a member for more than six consecutive months

  • have their dues up to date;

  • not have a history of non-compliance with the Statutes and Internal Regulations of the Association, with the exception of a registered reprimand; and

  • not have been dismissed from the previous term of office, under the terms of no. 1 of the following article.


Article 12

(Loss and renunciation of office of member of a corporate body)

1- The members of the corporate bodies shall exercise their positions with zeal and dedication and free of charge, and shall lose their mandate if they miss more than three meetings in a row without a justified reason.

2- The members of the corporate bodies may resign from office, upon request to the Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting, who shall decide on the request within thirty days.

3- Whenever a member of a corporate body loses or resigns his mandate, the Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting shall give official notice to the other members of the corporate bodies and shall call a meeting with all of them to study the situation created, and may call to duty the first substitute member of the elected list.


Article 13

(Resignation of governing body)

1- If the Executive Board resigns or loses the majority of its members, the respective President or his substitute, shall communicate the fact to the President of the General Assembly who, in turn, shall convene an extraordinary electoral General Assembly within thirty days for the election of a new Executive Board, the resigning Board remaining in office during this period.

2- In case of resignation of the Board of the General Assembly and/or the Fiscal Council, or the majority of its members, the Board shall convene an extraordinary General Assembly to fill vacant positions.


Article 14

(Electoral procedure)

1- Lists of candidates for positions in the corporate bodies shall be submitted to the Chairman of the General Assembly up to eight days prior to the date set for the elections.


2- If within the established deadlines no competing list appears and if the situation remains unchanged during the General Meeting, the Chairman of the General Meeting shall request the outgoing governing bodies to remain in office for a period of thirty days, in which case he shall call a new extraordinary General Meeting and energise the electoral process, with a view to overcoming the crisis situation.


3- The lists shall be composed by a sufficient number of candidates to fill the social positions; substitute candidates shall also be submitted to the ballot, according to the needs felt by the promoters of the competing list, but in a number not exceeding six.


4- The election shall be carried out by secret ballot.


5- The list that obtains the votes of the majority of the members present at the General Meeting shall be elected; if none of the lists obtains that number of votes, a second round of voting shall take place, in which only the two lists with the most votes shall run, and the one obtaining the highest number of votes shall be elected.


6- The electoral act shall be the responsibility of the General Meeting Board.


Article 15

(Absence of attendance at the inauguration)

Elected members who do not attend the inauguration of their respective positions and do not justify their absence within five days, shall automatically lose their mandate, and the provisions of paragraph three of article 12 shall apply with the necessary changes.



The General Assembly

Article 16

(Composition and definition)

The General Assembly is formed by all members in the fullness of their rights or their representatives, and it is the supreme power of the Association.


Article 17

(Board of the General Meeting)

1- The General Meeting is represented and run by the Board of the General Meeting, which is composed of three members (President, First and Second Secretaries).


2- In the absence of the President, he shall be replaced by the First Secretary, and in the absence of both by the Second Secretary, and in any case, the Board shall be completed by a choice among the members present; in the absence of all members of the Board, an Ad Hoc Board shall be elected by and from among the members present.



(Voting Rights)

Only full members who have been registered for more than six consecutive months with their contributions up to date and are at least 14 years of age shall be entitled to vote.


§ Members under the age of eighteen shall exercise their right to vote in person.



(Convening, competence and modus operandi)

1- The General Assembly must be convened at least eight days in advance by means of a notice to be posted in public places in the parish and other places deemed convenient or by means of local media and by post, indicating the day, time and place of the meeting and the respective agenda.


2- In the case of a General Assembly meeting to deliberate on alterations of the Statutes and the General Internal Regulations or on the merger or dissolution of the Association, its convocation shall be made at least fifteen days in advance.

3- The competence and modus operandi of the General Assembly, in the absence of a regulatory provision, are those prescribed in the applicable legal provisions, namely articles 170 to 179 of the Civil Code.


Article 20


The Assembly shall have two ordinary sessions each year, one to be held between October and November, for the discussion and approval of the plan of activities and budget of income and expenditure for the following year and, where applicable, for the election of the members of the corporate bodies, and another by the end of the first quarter of each year for the appreciation and approval of the report and accounts of the management of the previous year, in addition to the extraordinary sessions that may be deemed necessary.

Article 21

(Extraordinary Session)

The General Meeting shall meet in extraordinary session

  • if requested by the chairmen of the corporate bodies; or

  • if requested by a group of full members numbering at least fifty, provided that they are in the situation referred to in Article 18 of these Regulations, with the presence of at least two thirds of the applicants being required.


Article 22


The presence of the majority of the full members is required for the General Meeting to be held, although it may be held thirty minutes after the appointed time with the members that are present.


Article 23


1- Except as provided in the following number and in articles 55 and 56, resolutions shall be adopted by absolute majority of the full members present and with the casting vote of the chairman of the General Meeting.


2- Decisions on amendments to the Articles of Association and General Regulations require the favourable vote of three quarters of the full members present.


Article 24

(Invalidity of resolutions)

1- Resolutions passed at a General Meeting which are contrary to the Law or the Articles of Association shall be null and void and may be invoked within a period of six months, before the Courts, by the Executive Board or any full member who did not vote for them.


2- Decisions taken on matters not included in the agenda shall be null and void, unless all full members are present and agree to the addition.


3- The attendance of all full members sanctions any irregularities in the convening of the meeting, provided that none of them opposes the holding of the meeting.


Article 25


Minutes of all that occurs at the General Meeting shall be drawn up in a specific book, numbered and initialled by the Chairman of the Meeting, and shall be read for approval at the following General Meeting.

Article 26


The General Meeting shall be responsible for

  • electing the members of the governing bodies, as well as dismissing them

  • to discuss and approve the activities plan and the income and expenditure budget

  • to consider and vote the Management Report and Accounts and approve the Balance Sheet

  • to authorize the Management to acquire, alienate or encumber real estate, with the favourable opinion of the Supervisory Board

  • fixing and deliberating on the increase of minimum quotas;

  • amending the Statutes and the General Internal Regulations;

  • extinguish the Association or decide on a merger with other collectivities;

  • authorising the Association to sue the members of the social bodies for facts practised in the exercise of their functions and

  • decide on matters which the Law, these Internal Regulations or others in force attribute to its competence.


Article 27

(Competence of the Chairman of the General Meeting)

The Chairman of the General Meeting shall be responsible for

a) to convene the General Meeting;


b) to direct the work, maintain order and ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force, being able to limit the use of the word when necessary and withdraw it when it refers to matters that are not on the agenda or when manifestly excessive expressions are uttered, and being able to suspend for instants or cancel for a determined period of time up to eight days the General Meeting in the case of disturbances


c) to invite members to constitute the table, in the absence of one or both Secretaries;

  • give a casting vote in case of a tie, except in the case of a secret ballot;

  • compulsorily present for discussion and voting, at the immediate meeting, the proposals accepted and not discussed

  • sign the minutes;

  • invite two or more tellers, organize the polling stations and appoint a delegate from each list to supervise the electoral act

  • proclaim the members elected and invest them with their positions and sign the respective acts, within a maximum period of eight days, after verifying the legal conditions;

  • to grant the dismissal of members of the corporate bodies and call for their substitutes to take office, under the terms of the regulations; and

  • present and submit to the appreciation of the General Assembly the appeal of any disciplinary sanction.


Article 28

(Competence of the Secretaries of the Board of the General Meeting)

The Secretaries shall be responsible for

  • draw up, read and sign the minutes of the sessions;

  • draft and send notices of convocation

  • communicate the resolutions of the General Meeting to the other corporate bodies and any interested parties; and

  • deal with the business.



The Board of Directors

Article 29

(Composition and definition)

1- The Executive Board which is composed of a maximum of eleven members (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and seven members), is responsible for the social, administrative, financial and disciplinary management of the Association, as well as representing the Association in and out of court, including in all acts and contracts in which the Association is interested.


2- Considering the normal growth of the Association and the consequent need to increase the number of members in charge, substitute members may be called to exercise their duties, by proposal of the Chairman of the Executive Board and confirmed by the Chairman of the General Meeting.


Article 30


The Executive Board should meet periodically, being convened by its President or whoever substitutes it at the moment, or still by the majority of its members.


Article 31


1- The Executive Board shall meet with the majority of its members in full exercise of their functions and shall deliberate with the majority of those present, the President having the casting vote in case of a tie.


2- The members of the Executive Board may not abstain from voting on deliberations taken in meetings they are present at, and are liable for losses arising from them, unless they have expressed their disagreement.


Article 32


1- The resolutions of the Board shall be recorded in minutes drawn up in a specific book, numbered and initialled on all pages by the Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting, who shall sign the opening and closing minutes.


2- The minutes shall be signed by the Secretary and Chairman of the Executive Board as well as by all members present.


Article 33


The meetings of the Executive Board shall be private, but the holders of the remaining corporate positions may attend them without the right to vote and speak.


Article 34

(Responsibility of the members of the Executive Board towards the Association)

All the members of the Direction Board are jointly and severally responsible for the acts of this organ before the Association, as well as, individually, for the acts practiced in the exercise of the competences which were attributed to them.


Article 35

(Competences of the Chairman of the Board)

The Chairman of the Board shall, in particular, be responsible for

  • to convene and to direct the meetings of the Direction Board

  • represent the Association in court and in all the acts in which it should represent itself, being able, in case of impediment, to delegate in the Vice-President or in any other member, following as much as possible the directive hierarchy;

  • to sign contracts with technicians, monitors, cultural and sporting animators, and other contracts or titles that require regular payment, approved in a meeting of the Direction Board

  • to cede or rent movable goods of the Association, as long as this does not affect the normal functioning of the foreseen activities

  • to assign missions to the remaining members of the Direction Board, approved in meeting;

  • to sign the opening and closing terms of the minute books of the committees or sections created by the Direction Board

  • countersign the income and expenditure documents and sign the trial balances and cheques;

  • supervise the preparation of the Management Report and Accounts; and

  • to supervise all the activities of the Association.


Article 36

(Competences of the Vice-President of the Direction Board)

It is the Vice-President?s responsibility to assist and suppress the Chairman?s impediments.


Article 37

(Competencies of the Secretary of the Board)

The Secretary shall be responsible in particular for

  • preparing the meetings of the Board, drafting and reading the respective minutes

  • deal with the paperwork and document filing

  • preparing the activities plan and the annual report; and

  • assuming the competences of the Vice-Chairman when he/she is unable to attend to them.


Article 38

(Competences of the Board Treasurer)

The Treasurer shall be particularly responsible for

  • keeping the accounts of all income and expenditure documents;

  • compulsorily sign cheques and countersign treasury documents

  • give opinions on financial or management matters

  • draw up the balance sheet, budget and management accounts;

  • to present regularly to the Executive Board a balance sheet concerning the financial situation of the Association.


Article 39

(Competences of the members of the Executive Board)

The members shall be particularly responsible for

  • to guide and follow up the activities for which they are responsible

  • to chair the meetings of the committees created under the terms of the following article

  • to keep the Direction informed of all the activities of their sector;

  • substitute the Secretary and the Treasurer in their impediments.


Article 40


1- In order to pursue its purposes, the Executive Board may appoint committees or create sections in the various activities, which shall be directed and oriented by the member of the Executive Board in charge of the respective area.

2- The positions of committee or section members may be occupied by full members who accept the invitation of the Executive Board, as proposed by the Director in charge.

3- The meetings of the committees or sections shall be presided over by the member of the Executive Board responsible for the respective portfolio, or in his impediment, by the Chairman of the Executive Board or another Director delegated by him.

4- The deliberations taken at committee or section meetings shall be considered as proposals to be submitted to the Executive Board, which shall only be bound if they are approved.

5- The deliberations of committees or sections shall be recorded in minutes drawn up in a proper book, numbered and initialled on all pages by the Chairman of the Executive Board, who shall sign the opening and closing statements.


Article 41

(Financing of the Directorate's activities)

To finance its activities, the Board may, among others

  • establish registration and attendance fees for user members, in accordance with the rules it will approve at the beginning of each activity

  • conclude advertising contracts;

  • organise festivals, tournaments and similar activities;

  • hold draws, raffles and bid auctions in accordance with the laws in force;

  • to promote the sale of articles of an advertising nature with the Association's symbol

  • cede or rent, under the terms of the regulations, goods belonging to the Association, as long as this does not harm its activities;

  • organise fund-raising campaigns; and

  • contract loans, as long as these are authorised by the General Assembly that is expressly convened for this purpose.



The Fiscal Council


Article 42

(Composition and definition)

1- The Audit Committee which is composed of three members (chairman, secretary and member) is responsible for verifying the administrative and financial acts of the Executive Board and shall meet at least once every quarter or whenever its chairman or the majority of its members deem convenient.


Article 43


1- The Board of Auditors shall deliberate with a minimum of two members.

2- The members of the Supervisory Board may not abstain from voting on resolutions taken at meetings at which they are present.


Article 44

(Examination of documents)

Whenever the Audit Committee, represented by the majority of its members, intends to examine a document and writing of the Association, it shall notify the Board of Directors of its intention, which shall be obliged to facilitate the examination of the same.


Article 45


It is the competence of the Audit Committee to

  • to supervise the administrative acts of the Direction Board

  • to verify and give its opinion on the management report and accounts

  • give an opinion, when requested by the Executive Board, on the acts that imply an increase of expenses or a decrease of the social revenues

  • to give an opinion on proposals to alter the Statutes or the General Internal Regulations

  • to give an opinion about the acquisition, alienation or encumbrance of real estate assets;

  • present to the Board and the General Assembly the suggestions it considers of interest for the life of the Association, in the area of financial management; and

  • request the convening of a General Assembly whenever it considers it necessary.


Economic and Financial Framework

Article 46


The income of the Association comprises

  • the proceeds of membership fees and membership dues

  • subsidies and donations that are attributed to it

  • income from activities promoted by it; and

  • any other revenues permitted by law.


Article 47


The following are considered to be expenses of the Association

  • charges with its own and third-party premises

  • travel costs of the members of the social bodies, commissioners/sectionists and other employees of the Association when in the Association's service;

  • the expenses with technicians, monitors, animators and other employees of the Association

  • the costs with material necessary for the carrying out of the association's activities;

  • Office costs, water, light, telephone, and others;

  • Expenses related to the dissemination of the association's activities; and

  • occasional expenses and other unspecified expenses.


Accounts and their registration

Article 48

(Books for the recording of accounts)

The accounts of the management of the Association shall be registered in proper books and the documents of revenues and expenses in proper files, numbered and initialled by the Treasurer and Chairman of the Board, or whoever replaces them.


Article 49


The accounting scheme shall refer the accounts and the elements necessary for a clear and rapid knowledge of the movement of values of the Association.


Article 50

(Balance Sheet and Management Accounts)

1- The Executive Board shall prepare, on an annual basis, the balance sheet and accounts of the management, which shall clearly present the economic and financial situation of the Association.

2- The Board of the General Assembly and the Audit Committee shall present to the Executive Board its budgets of operating and expedient expenses, so that the latter may include them in the budget of revenues and expenses to be approved by the General Assembly.


Article 51

(Business Year)

The financial year shall coincide with the calendar year.


The Discipline

Article 52

(Disciplinary Power)

Disciplinary power is exercised by the Executive Board, in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, and in relation to its members, collaborators, and all individuals subordinated to it, who violate the provisions of the Articles of Association and Regulations, do not comply with the legal deliberations of the social bodies, commit or provoke acts of indiscipline or any other acts that harm the interests or dignity of the Association and the members of its social bodies, in the exercise of their functions or because of them.


Article 53

(Disciplinary Sanctions)

1- The authors of the infractions foreseen in the previous article shall be subject to the following sanctions

  • registered reprimand

  • suspension up to ninety days;

  • suspension from ninety-one to one hundred and eighty days; and

  • expulsion.

2- The offender shall always have the right to defence and the disciplinary sanctions may be appealed, under the terms of the regulations, to the Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting.


Article 54

(Disciplinary Regulation)

It is the responsibility of the Board to regulate the exercise of disciplinary power and the respective process, through the drafting of Disciplinary Regulations to be approved at a General Assembly.


Merger and Dissolution


Article 55


1- If the General Assembly determines the merger of the Association with one or more other Associations, it shall define the terms in which it shall take place.

2- The merger shall only have value if deliberated by ¾ of the number of effective members present.


Article 56


1- The Association shall be dissolved under the terms foreseen in the law, namely, when its purpose becomes impossible or by the death or disappearance of all the members.

2- Dissolution shall only be valid if deliberated by three quarters of the number of effective members present.

3- In case of dissolution, the assets of the Association shall revert to the Parish Council.


Final Dispositions


Article 57

(Entry into force)

The present regulation shall enter into force on the day immediately following approval by the General Assembly and its provisions shall prevail over any previous regulations and in contradiction with them.


Article 58


The Statutes and the Law shall govern all matters not covered by these General Internal Regulations.




These Regulations were unanimously approved on 29th November 1997, at the General Assembly of the Deão Youth Association - A.J.D.

The following changes were unanimously approved in the General Assembly of the Juvenile Association of Deão - A.J.D., on:

- 13 March 1999 (article 6, § 1);

- 11 April 1999 (article 6, § 2);

- 29 September 2001 (Art. 7(c), 11(a) and 18, sole paragraph); and

- 29 October 2005 (Article 5),

- 30 December 2010 (Article 2); and

- 6 November 2010 (Article 6, § 3), duly entered in the respective places ; and

- 22 March 2014 (Article 6, third paragraph, Article 7(c) and Article 11(a)). 

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