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The Portuguese Institute for Sport and Youth has several programs for young people:

The "Youth Volunteering for Nature and Forests" program promotes practices within the scope of protecting nature, forests and their ecosystems, by raising awareness among the general population and preservation against forest fires and other disasters with environmental impact, monitoring and recovery of affected territories.

The Generation Z program is a long-term youth volunteering action, managed by the IPDJ, for private non-profit organizations and young people aged between 16 and 30.

The Free Time Occupation (OTL) program aims to provide young people with experiences in a non-formal learning context or in an active work context, and to develop personal, professional and social skills and competences. OTL provides active participation in projects (short or long term) with the community, contributing to the occupation of free time in a healthy way. 



Last July 12, the "PreservAct" project began, under the Youth Volunteering for Nature and Forests - VJNF program, funded by IPDJ.

The PreservAct project was born from the need identified in the community to preserve the riverside area between Deão and Moreira de Geraz do Lima, which suffers many aggressions caused by agricultural production, fishing and is a place where waste is often dumped. Thus, a group of young people is collecting garbage and will promote awareness sessions for the preservation of natural spaces.


International Work Camp

The International Work Camp "+Community", was promoted by the Youth Association of Deão - AJD and YUPI - Youth Union of People With Initiative, and funded by IPDJ

The CTI started on July 1st in Deão and ended on July 12th in Famalicão. During 12 days, the youngsters developed work in the community. In the parishes of Geraz do Lima and Deão they did cleaning, restoration and artistic painting works in three washhouses.

They were very intense days of hard work and community involvement. We repaired, cleaned and painted 3 wash-houses in the Geraz do Lima and Deão parishes, which got a new face and dignified our patrimony.

We heard stories from people in the community, shared coffee with neighbors, and had cultural and sports activities.

This project aimed to develop actions to enhance the historical and cultural heritage, contributing to a sustainable development in the community and in the young participants. 

We want to thank the young volunteers for their excellent work and all the people in the community who welcomed this group of young people from Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Portugal and France.

We also want to thank the invaluable collaboration of the Geraz do Lima and Deão Parish Council and the Santa Maria Culture and Sports Association of Geraz do Lima.

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Olhares de Género

In June, the project "Olhares de Género" began at AJD, where three young volunteers developed the theme "Gender Equality".

During these 2 months, they interviewed couples of different ages from Geraz do Lima and Deão, with the purpose of collecting information to better understand how they think and feel about this theme. To organize the collected data, they created a website, a padlet, a quiz and awareness posters.

This project aimed to know the gender perceptions of the community in which we are inserted and raise awareness for the adoption of behaviors that do not contribute to gender inequalities. This project was the basis for our application to the prize "Youth for Equality" promoted by IPDJ, which aims to recognize the work developed by youth associations in integrating the dimension of Gender Equality, Citizenship and Non-Discrimination in their internal operation and in the activities and projects promoted by them.
AJD won the contest in 2021, thus seeing the work of young people and our collective effort recognized, in the continuous search for behaviors and measures aimed at gender equality.




On August 10, 2020, the Eco-Community project began, promoted by AJD, under the Youth Volunteering for Nature and Forests program, funded by IPDJ - Portuguese Institute for Sport and Youth, I.P.

This project focuses on the importance of waterways for human life and for the preservation of the habitat of many marine animals, and aims to develop stream cleaning activities and address community practices of sustainable water use through community awareness activities.  For example, the irrigation practices that existed in agriculture in the times of our grandfathers and grandfathers, or the influence of organic farming as a practice to preserve water quality.

This one had the help of João Pinto, Rita Ribeiro, and Barbara Reis, who developed the first activities of this one. Without a doubt, young people committed to contributing to a better future!

Within the activities we had awareness sessions about the environmental disadvantages of using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and how composting is beneficial as a natural fertilizer and a lecture dedicated to "Composting, Pesticides and Fertilizers" and "Common Ponds", which had the special participation of Dr. Leonor Cruz from CMIA and some testimonies from the people present.

Leisure Time Occupation

AJD, in the summer of 2020, faced with "unconfinement" decided to organize several activities to promote social interaction among young people who had been safely confined for months. With the support of the manual - Deconfinar Jovem, produced by FNAJ, through dynamics of non-formal education and the indications of the DGES it was possible to bring moments of sharing, discussion, experimentation and a lot of fun among the young people who have participated in these activities.

This was only possible thanks to Daniel and Tiago, who dynamised the sporting and musical activities for young people aged 12 to 17, under the OTL - Short Term Programme, financed by the Portuguese Institute for Sport and Youth - IPDJ.

Four projects were developed, focusing on different areas. The projects were "Caring for Nature", "Caroças, candles and company", "Be active" and "Summer with music".

International Work Camp

International Work CampThe International Work Camp "Transition Portugal", which began in August, had the participation of 17 young people who will develop activities in Famalicão and Viana do Castelo. This was only possible thanks to AJD, YUPI and IPDJ funding.

The goal of this work camp was to foster the participants' knowledge and intervention in climate change issues through two main activities: the support in the preparation of a Community Centre for Transition, in Famalicão, part of the Transition Movement; and the removal of invasive species, creating better conditions for the survival of native species, in Viana do Castelo.

During two weeks, the volunteers had the opportunity to actively participate in the regeneration of these two Portuguese cities (Famalicão and Viana do Castelo), contributing to their environmental preservation programmes.

Aprender com a Mudança

In 2020, with the help of young people Daniela Torres, Sara Rocha, Daniela Rocha, Liliana Rocha, Leonor Barros, Marta Barbosa and young Leonardo Neiva, a cohesive and versatile group, with an enormous will to put into practice the values of volunteering in each activity they develop, they implemented the project "Learn with change", where they visited the users of Deão Parish Social Centre and brought animation with beautiful songs.

This project "Learn with change", promoted by AJD, under the programme "Geração Z", financed by IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P., intends to give answer to current challenges provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic through 2 distinct tasks: "Culture at the Door" and "United Community". It aimed to boost activities within the scope of intergenerational solidarity and civic participation, promoting entertainment, dissemination of information and assistance to the local community.

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